Wednesday Nov 02, 2022

Shifting Mindsets to Expedite Rare Treatments

This episode is sponsored by our partner, Ultragenyx, a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of novel therapies for serious rare and ultra-rare genetic diseases! Ultragenyx has been a loyal and proud supporter of n-Lorem and our patients.

Stan talks with a rare disease treatment advocate and the CEO, President and Founder of Ultragenyx, Emil Kakkis, MD, PhD, about why he has dedicated his career to supporting the rare disease community, what led him to establish the EveryLife Foundation, and the origins of Ultragenyx. Because of the debilitating and often quick progression of rare disease patients, Emil believes that regulatory agencies should modify the way they approach clinical trials for these individuals. Far too often, policies leave patients stuck waiting and hoping for treatment while their symptoms worsen, causing permanent damage.

Do you have a question that you’d like to ask Stan Crooke? Stan will be taking questions directly from you and other podcast listeners and dedicating an entire episode towards answering your questions! To submit a question for the upcoming Q&A episode, email with the subject line labeled “podcast question”. If you wish to be identified, mention your name in the email. If not, we will keep your submission anonymous. We can't wait to hear from you!

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